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July 20, 2017

Thompson, Brady Announce Election Security Task Force Members

(WASHINGTON) – Today, the Co-Chairs of the Congressional Task Force on Election Security – Committee on Homeland Security Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Robert Brady (D-PA) – announced the membership of the new Task Force.

After Russia meddled in the 2016 election and infiltrated the voting systems in at least 21 states, this Task Force was established to focus on how to bolster the security of election infrastructure ahead of the 2018 Election. It will be a forum for Members of Congress to hear from election infrastructure experts on both physical security and cybersecurity challenges and identify actions that should be taken to help ensure the integrity of our election systems and guard against future attacks.

Congressmen Thompson and Brady released the below joint statement with the announcement:

“Ensuring the security of our election systems for our next major election should not be a partisan issue and should be a top priority for both Republicans and Democrats. It is clear that if we continue to do nothing, we make it easy for Russia – or anyone else – to meddle in our elections and undermine public confidence in democratic institutions. While we are eager to work together on protecting our election systems to prevent a repeat of 2016, to date, Republican leaders on Capitol Hill have displayed no appetite to do so.  With our Task Force’s membership established, we are ready to get to work and we welcome the support of Members on both sides of the aisle.  We understand that the integrity of our democracy depends on the integrity of our elections.”

Task Force Membership:

  • Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Co-Chair
  • Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA), Co-Chair
  • Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
  • Rep. James R. Langevin (D-RI)
  • Rep. Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA)
  • Rep. Val Demings (D-FL)

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Media contact:
(Thompson) 202-225-9978
(Brady) Jamie Fleet at 202-225-2061