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Stakeholder Perspectives on Priorities for the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review

Date: Friday, June 20, 2014 Time: 09:30 AM Location: 311 Cannon House Office Building Subcommittee: Oversight & Management Efficiency (113th Congress) Issue: DHS Management



  • Mr. Stewart A. Baker, Former Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Mr. Frank J. Cilluffo, Associate Vice President and Director, Homeland Security Policy Institute, The George Washington University
  • Dr. Henry H. Willis, Director, RAND Homeland Security and Defense Center, The RAND Corporation
  • Hon. Elaine C. Duke, Former Under Secretary for Management, U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Prepared Opening Statement - Ranking Member Barber
Prepared Opening Statement - Ranking Member Thompson

Opening statement:

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Media contact: Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978