Markup of H.R. 2795, H.R. 2980, H.R. 3138, H.R. 3223, H.R. 3243, H.R. 3263, and H.R. 3264
- H.R. 2795, The “DHS Blue Campaign Enhancement Act”
- H.R. 2980, The “Cybersecurity Vulnerability Remediation Act”
- H.R. 3138, The “State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act”
- H.R. 3223, The “CISA Cyber Exercise Act”
- H.R. 3243, The “Pipeline Security Act”
- H.R. 3263, The “DHS Medical Countermeasures Act”
- H.R. 3264, The “Domains Critical to Homeland Security Act”