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September 22, 2021

Chairs Thompson, Meeks Write DHS & State Department to Urge Stop to Repatriations of Haitian Migrants

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State expressing their concern regarding the ongoing repatriation of Haitian migrants and urge a humanitarian moratorium on these repatriations.

“[T]housands of Haitians and other migrants have arrived in Del Rio, Texas over the past week and are now seeking shelter in squalid conditions under a bridge,” wrote the Chairs. “Despite the Administration’s rapid deployment of personnel and resources in response to this crisis, much of the strategy to address the care of these vulnerable individuals is deeply concerning.”

“Specifically, we urge the Administration to halt repatriations to Haiti until the country recovers from these devastating crises. We are troubled by the plan to repatriate thousands of people to Haiti, despite the instability, violence, and devastation that continue to plague the country.”

In the letter, the Chairs also request more information on Haiti’s ability to welcome and resettle deportees and detailed information on the Federal government’s repatriation efforts.

Link to letter

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Press Contact

Adam Comis (Thompson): 202-225-9978
Andrei Vasilescu (Meeks): 202-215-1272