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February 23, 2017

Homeland Security Democrats: DHS Must Explain Deportation Plans to American People

(WASHINGTON) – All House Committee on Homeland Security Democrats, led by Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly regarding his February 20 memoranda providing guidance for President Trump's immigration enforcement Executive Orders.  Democratic members are asking for answers to provide oversight of the Administration’s misguided border security and immigration policies, provide the facts to the American public, and help avoid chaos that a previous Trump Executive Order caused.

The Members ask Secretary Kelly direct questions about how DHS may prioritize immigration enforcement to remove criminals from our communities, fund the hiring of 15,500 personnel and thousands of new immigration detention beds, address racial profiling concerns with the 287(g) program, and justify beginning to construct a $21 billion border wall without metrics showing how or if it contributes to border security. The Trump Administration has not submitted any budget proposals to Congress to fund these efforts.  The Democratic members believe that President Trump’s border security and immigration Executive Orders are contrary to good public safety and national security policy and to our American values. Democrats remain committed to regular, ongoing oversight of the Administration’s efforts.

“If everyone is a priority, then no one is a priority and those who pose a public safety or national security threat may be left in our communities while those who do not may be removed.”

Link to letter

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