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March 05, 2018

Thompson, Barragán Question Kirstjen Nielsen on Involvement in Rob Porter’s Security Clearance

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Committee Member Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-CA) sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen to demand answers on her involvement in Rob Porter’s security clearance controversy.  Secretary Nielsen served as Deputy Chief of Staff under John Kelly during a critical time in the FBI’s investigation into Porter’s background and allegations regarding domestic violence. In her current position, Secretary Nielsen is responsible for more than 240,000 DHS employees, many of whom hold security clearances.

The letter says, in part:

We are writing regarding your time at the White House as Deputy Chief of Staff. Specifically, we have questions about what you knew about the allegations of domestic abuse raised against White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter by his two ex-wives, and your role in reviewing Mr. Porter’s security clearance. The American people are entitled to know how you handled these matters when you served at the White House, given your continued service in a capacity of significant responsibility and public trust.  Indeed, as Secretary of Homeland Security you are responsible for more than 240,000 employees, many of whom hold security clearances, underscoring the relevance of your past actions to your current position.

Link to Letter

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Media contacts:
(Thompson) 202-225-9978
(Barragán) Michael Soneff at 202-225-8220