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December 09, 2014

Thompson, Cummings, and Conyers Request In-Depth Hearings into Garner, Brown, and Other Deaths

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Reps. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD), John Conyers Jr. (D-MI), and Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Members of the House Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, the Judiciary, and Homeland Security respectively, requested a series of in-depth hearings to examine issues raised by the deaths of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and others, as well as incidents that followed these killings. A link to the letter is below.

"We firmly believe that events in Staten Island, New York, Ferguson, Missouri, and elsewhere have fractured the trust of Americans in the integrity of the criminal justice system," the Ranking Members wrote. "The Federal government has a critical role to play in ensuring that all Americans are treated equally before the law, especially by their local police, and it is our responsibility to exercise oversight of the funding and resources that the Federal government allocates to these local jurisdictions. Hearings into these topics will be important early steps on the long road of healing across the country."


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Media Contact:
(202) 225-9978
Jennifer Hoffman (Cummings): 202-226-5181
Stephanie Báez (Conyers): 202-225-6906