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July 31, 2018

Thompson Writes DHS on Homeland Security Implications of 3D Printed Gun Blueprints Published Online

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on the homeland security implications of the Trump Administration allowing the online publication of blueprints for 3-D printed firearms. It is unknown if the Department of Homeland Security was involved in the decision of the Departments of State and Justice to abandon the lawsuit that would have stopped publication. The proliferation of unregistered and untraceable firearms will undoubtedly have a grave impact on the Department’s counterterrorism, aviation security, and Secret Service missions.

In the letter, Congressman Thompson writes:

“Allowing unregistered homemade firearms to proliferate in our communities puts public safety and homeland security at risk.”

“The spread of homemade firearms will unquestionably impede the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to protect the American people. For years, security experts have warned of the threat posed by the ‘lone wolf’ terrorist.  In my estimation, the ability of a lone wolf attacker to print untraceable firearms at home will make it much more difficult for law enforcement to detect terrorist plots and prevent violence. It will complicate efforts to secure transportation, mass gatherings, Federal buildings, and government leaders, as metal detectors will fail to detect plastic guns. Fundamentally, the availability of homemade firearms will lead to more violence as it renders meaningless the few protections in place to prevent the sale of firearms to dangerous individuals.”

Link to Letter

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