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In The News

September 2016
The Hill: Homeland security means keeping assault weapons off our streets
August 2016
NY Times: Keeping the Vote Cybersafe
July 2016
Huffington Post: American Red Cross Clueless About Racial Diversity
June 2016
High Country News: Anti-government militias pose a significant threat
March 2016
Washington Post: Secret Service agents deserve their day in court
August 2015
Clarion Ledger: Miss. rebounding after Katrina but more work to be done
July 2015
The Hill: South Carolina shooting must be labeled domestic terrorism
October 2014
The Hill: National Cybersecurity Awareness Month an opportunity to educate and protect
August 2014
Roll Call: Compassion Needed in Addressing Nation's Immigration Woes
September 2013
Washington Times: Terrorism Insurance Still Necessary to Foster Resilience
June 2013
Politico: Intelligence, privacy and liberties
August 2012
Roll Call: Recovery After Cyber-Attack More Costly Than Prevention
June 2012
NY Times: Cargo, the Terrorists’ Trojan Horse
September 2011
BET: Reflecting on 9/11 — Improvements and Shortcomings
The Hill: Progress, but more to do
June 2011
The Hill: Deep cuts to homeland security grants put our communities at risk
April 2011
Politico: Protecting our electric grid
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