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May 11, 2023

Ranking Member Thompson Statement Opposing Passage of Extreme MAGA Republican Child Deportation Act

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in opposition to the passage of H.R. 2, the Child Deportation Act:

“The extreme MAGA Republican Child Deportation Act is a cruel, unworkable, and extreme bill.  It is little more than a messaging bill for House Republicans to exploit the challenging conditions at the southwest border. It seems designed to create more chaos at our borders, overload our already busy ports of entry, and deliver on the failed and un-American immigration policies of the Trump Administration.”

“This bill will do nothing to keep fentanyl out of our communities or protect unaccompanied children. It flies in the face of the humanitarian values that Republicans claim to live by and penalizes community and religious organizations who walk the walk and care for vulnerable people.

“If Republicans were serious about securing the border and preventing fentanyl trafficking, they would has put in provisions to secure our ports of entry, where over 90 percent of the fentanyl and other drugs that CBP interdicts are found.  If this was a legitimate effort, they would work with Democrats to expand legal pathways for migrants and address the root causes of migration. But they refuse to do so. Everyone knows we need comprehensive immigration reform.  An enforcement-only strategy like this simply won’t work. We are better than this.”

Link to bill factsheet

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Adam Comis at 202-225-9978