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September 26, 2017

UPDATED: Election Security Task Force to Hold First Public Forum Thursday

September 27, 2017 (WASHINGTON) – On Thursday, September 28th, the Congressional Task Force on Election Security, will hold its first public forum: “Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.”  The task force will hear from Jeh Johnson, former Homeland Security Secretary, and Suzanne Spaulding, former DHS Under Secretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate.


Congressional Task Force on Election Security Forum

“Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat” 

11 a.m.

Thursday, September 28th

Location: 1302 Longworth House Office Building 


The Congressional Task Force on Election Security was created this summer to address the lack of action to protect electoral infrastructure following Russia interfering and attempting to influence the 2016 Presidential election. It is chaired by Committee on Homeland Security Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Robert Brady (D-PA).

Co-Chairs Thompson and Brady released the below joint statement announcing the forum:

“Recent news reminds us that Russia targeted voting infrastructure in at least 21 states last year in a direct attack on our democracy. Looking forward, the American people expect us to investigate our vulnerabilities and do whatever possible to prevent this from happening again.  While Republican leaders in Congress refuse to investigate, we have decided to take initiative to start a process to provide answers on how we can better secure our election infrastructure and prevent election meddling in the future.”

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Media contact:
(Thompson) 202-225-9978
(Brady) Jamie Fleet at 202-225-2061