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July 21, 2020

Congressional Hearing on the Worsening Coronavirus Pandemic with FEMA Administrator Gaynor

(WASHINGTON) – Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 22nd, the Committee on Homeland Security, chaired by Congressman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), will hold a hearing on the national response to the worsening coronavirus pandemic. This hearing will allow Members to question FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor about the Federal government’s coronavirus response and the various shortcomings that have plagued the Administration’s response since the beginning.  The Committee invited the Department of Health and Human Services to send any witness to this hearing, but the Administration refused despite the Committee agreeing to its demands for an in-person hearing.  This hearing will be streamed live on YouTube (link below).

Congressman Thompson released the following statement on the hearing:

“From the lack of testing to unfulfilled contracts and PPE shortages – the Administration has either been absent or has been actively working against necessary actions the country should be taking to respond to the accelerating coronavirus pandemic. This hearing will allow us to get answers on FEMA’s delayed involvement in the Federal response and why there was so much confusion regarding FEMA’s efforts to procure and distribute PPE. If President Trump continues to believe that the virus will just go away, or that it is not a Federal responsibility, many more people will die unnecessarily.”

“I am also disappointed that the Trump Administration refused to allow any official from HHS to testify before the Committee. The American people should be furious that the Administration believes that they do not need to be transparent on this issue that affects all of us. Because of their refusal, we will only get a partial picture of the Federal government’s response efforts. Congressional oversight is not only not optional, it is often the only way the Federal government will improve itself. We will not stop until we get answers from this Administration.”

Event details:

WHAT: House Committee on Homeland Security hearing: Examining the National Response to the Worsening Coronavirus Pandemic: Part II

WHEN: Wednesday, July 22nd at 9am EDT

WHERE: 2118 Rayburn House Office Building

WITNESS: FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor

Updated info and livestream available here

Members of the press are encouraged to watch the hearing via livestream. Hearing materials will be available on our website. If members of the press plan to attend in person, please note seating is very limited. Press must RSVP to chsdempress@mail.house.gov.

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Press Contact

Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978