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September 26, 2019

Chairman Thompson on Whistleblower Complaint: We Must Do More to Secure Our Elections

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on state of nation’s election security after the whistleblower complaint against the President was released today:

“The declassified whistleblower report is clear.  The President again, just he did in 2016, sought out assistance from a foreign power to help in his reelection.  This is election interference, plain and simple.  The President has continually and persistently undermined the integrity of our elections and our democracy.  I agree with the Acting DNI – the top threat to our national security is the security of our elections.  It is high time for Republicans in Congress to finally realize this and join us in ensuring our elections are wholly and properly secured.  We need a comprehensive, whole-of-government effort. With President Trump in office, the American people cannot currently expect our elections to be secure and free from foreign interference with status quo measures in place.”

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