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August 08, 2019

Chairman Thompson Statement on Mississippi ICE Raid

August 8, 2019 (WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s ICE raid in Mississippi: 

“By all measures, this massive ICE raid was a show of force that will have an enormous, long-term impact on communities in Mississippi. Despite the reported time spent in the lead up, ICE seems to have deliberately ignored its own guidelines on minimizing the impact on children and vulnerable populations when it planned this raid. Now hundreds of children are without parents.  This is another form of family separation - and an unfortunate common thread in this Administration’s cruel immigration policies. The Department of Homeland Security’s leadership has a responsibility to understand the consequences of its actions, and I seriously question why they continue to target migrant families in this way.”

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