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February 15, 2019

Chairman Thompson Statement on President Trump’s Emergency Declaration

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the President’s national emergency declaration:

“Thankfully President Trump did not force the government closed and leave the critical national security functions of the Department of Homeland Security unfunded yet again. However, his declaring a national emergency today represents a far greater dangerous abuse of power.”

“Far worse than one of his usual temper tantrums, the President is bypassing Congress and the rule of law to try to do what he pleases to fulfill his partisan campaign promises. This clearly violates the law. It must be repeated that there is no emergency to declare. The American people will not be fooled by this menacing and authoritarian action, and I hope both parties in Congress come together to quickly stop it. We must not allow the President to continue his incessant malice to distract from his failed leadership and failed border security policies.”

Yesterday, Democrats introduced a package of legislation to protect borderland property owners against the Administration’s land grab as it plans barrier construction in the President’s reckless pursuit of a border wall.

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Media contact: Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978