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January 06, 2017

DHS to Designate Election Systems as Critical Infrastructure Subsector

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news from Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson that he has designated election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector:

β€œIn recent days, confidence in our electoral processes has taken hits not only from Russian government hackers and Wikileaks, but also, regrettably, from the President-elect.  Today, the Department of Homeland Security took a positive step by prioritizing the protection of electoral infrastructure under the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.  In the long term, this will put our electoral systems on a more secure footing and maintain public confidence in our elections.  I commend Secretary Johnson for making this important decision.  For future elections at all levels, State officials who want to engage with DHS on enhancing the cyber and physical security of their electoral systems will have Federal partner working with them.”

DHS Fact Sheet

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