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September 11, 2017

New Report Analyzes Government Progress on Key Homeland Security Mandates

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, commemorated the sixteenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks by releasing a detailed review of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) progress at meeting critical homeland security mandates set forth in The Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-53).

This staff report analyzes the status of DHS efforts regarding ten of the most prominent mandates in the 9/11 Commission Act and provides recommendations for moving forward.  Originally sponsored by Rep. Thompson, the 9/11 Commission Act was enacted in August 2007 to make America more secure by directing critical actions to implement the bipartisan 9/11 Commission recommendations.

Congressman Thompson released the following statement on the report:

“Sixteen years ago today, after the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil, Americans came together as one and sought answers on how we must work together to make the country more secure.  Federal efforts were exemplified in the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the 9/11 Commission, and then in the 9/11 Commission Act. In the past decade, this law has changed how we protect the homeland.  Although we don’t always see the impact in our daily lives, every aspect of the Department of Homeland Security’s diverse mission has been affected, modified, and improved.”

“America is far better equipped today than it was on September 11, 2001, to prepare for, prevent, and respond to acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events. The gains in preparedness are exemplified by the heroic responses to terror attacks we have unfortunately experienced since.  Federal investments in local preparedness and bolstering information sharing have helped deliver measurable progress in the level of security across the Nation.  Still, we must stay vigilant and fully-engaged with homeland security partners to effectively address the range of threats that, in addition to traditional terrorist threats, today include cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure and violence by neo-Nazi, white supremacist, and other domestic terror groups.”

Ten areas for DHS mandates analyzed in the report:

  1. Homeland Security Grants
  2. Interoperability
  3. Information Sharing
  4. Modernization of the Visa Waiver Program and Biometric Entry-Exit System
  5. Air Cargo Security
  6. Surface Transportation Grants and Training
  7. Maritime Cargo Security
  8. Surface Transportation Security Programs
  9. Quadrennial Homeland Security Review
  10. Biosurveillance

REPORT: Ten Years Later: Major Homeland Security Mandates of the 9/11 Commission Act

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