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April 17, 2024

Ranking Member Thompson Statement on Mayorkas Impeachment Ruled Unconstitutional in Senate

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the U.S. Senate ruling the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas unconstitutional:

“The Senate was absolutely correct today in ruling the impeachment of Homeland Secretary Mayorkas as unconstitutional, finally ending this baseless political stunt. Without any high crimes or misdemeanors, there is no valid impeachment. Thankfully, the Senate voted in support of the Constitution, unlike extreme MAGA Republicans in the House who are all too happy to torch the Constitution to fit their political ends.

“To be clear, this vote is a complete rejection of impeachment on the merits. This wasteful effort was a sham from the start and nothing more than a political game for Republicans to do the bidding of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump.

“I commend Secretary Mayorkas for his unwavering commitment to the Department of Homeland Security, its mission, and its workforce. I hope we can now focus on pressing national security priorities pending in the House and Senate and finally work on bipartisan border security legislation to support the Department and its work on behalf of the American people.”

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