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March 17, 2025

Ranking Member Thompson Statement on Reports Trump Administration Is Sidelining Rehired Cybersecurity Personnel

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement following news reports that the Trump Administration, as it follows the recent court order that fired probationary employees must be reinstated, has instead sidelined cybersecurity personnel at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – putting national security needlessly at risk:

“Firing cybersecurity personnel, then being forced to rehire them only because of a court order, and then immediately sidelining them, is not only idiotic and wasteful, it sends a message to our adversaries that it’s open season on our networks and infrastructure. Clearly, China or Russia would never haphazardly cut their cyber workforce.

“Donald Trump and Elon Musk may think it’s a good idea to bench our cyber talent and remake the government in their image, but I don't. It puts our national security at risk. CISA plays a critical role in defending the nation’s critical infrastructure and this Administration must not only follow the court’s order but put our cyber talent to work.”

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