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January 28, 2025

Ranking Member Thompson Statement on the National Security Ramifications of Trump’s Extreme Funding Freeze

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on President Trump’s extreme Federal funding freeze – which will have disastrous ramifications for our homeland security:

“I am glad that a Federal court has intervened and has stopped President Trump from implementing his reckless, illegal, and chaotic funding freeze. It was announced with so little detail it should never have been considered in the first place. A day after the freeze was announced, the administration still has not told the American people how it would be implemented across the government.

“This Republican Rip Off – straight out of Project 2025 – will not only take money from families and children to pay for tax cuts for billionaires, it will have disastrous consequences for our national security. Since the September 11 attacks, we have wisely invested – and continue to invest – in dozens of homeland security grant programs to keep our communities safe from terrorism and prepare for disasters. These critical programs include assistance to first responders, money for houses of worship to increase their security, and grants for local governments to harden their networks and critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. Without these programs, Americans are less secure. The Administration must rescind this reckless executive order.”

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