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February 28, 2025

Ranking Member Thompson: Trump Weakens National Security and Puts Our Critical Infrastructure at Risk as He Capitulates to Russia

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on multiple news reports that the Trump Administration does not view Russia as a cybersecurity threat:

“I am deeply concerned by reports that the Administration does not see Russia as a significant cyber threat and is halting actions to counter Russian cyber activity. Every World Wide Threat assessment over the past decade has identified Russia’s cyber capabilities as a threat to our national security.

“Just five years ago, Russia executed one of the most sophisticated supply chain attacks in history, accessing data across the federal government and the private sector. Russia remains a safe haven for ransomware actors that threaten Americans on a daily basis. It has also sponsored cyber attacks against our allies’ critical infrastructure and has repeatedly sought to interfere in our elections.

“To capitulate now, as we appear to bail on our allies in Ukraine, is an inexplicable dereliction of duty that puts American critical infrastructure at risk. I call on Chairman Green to hold hearings on this deeply troubling decision with administration officials as soon as possible.”

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