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June 18, 2018

Ranking Member Thompson Visits South Texas Border Facilities

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement after visiting border facilities near Brownsville Texas today:

“After visiting the South Texas border and seeing children separated from their parents firsthand, it is abundantly clear that President Trump must put an end to his family separation policy.  As a Member of Congress, a grandfather, and an American, it is obvious to me that this horrific policy goes against everything our country and the American people stand for. Families belong together and babies and children should never be used as political pawns in the immigration debate.”

“It is also clear that this policy was not well thought out and has led to chaos and crowding in facilities along the border.  Poor government coordination has led to confusion and families not knowing where their loved ones are or if they are safe.  These problems will only escalate if President Trump’s policy continues.”

“Attempting to use scripture to defend the indefensible – needlessly breaking up families – is not compatible with the teachings of any church I know. I call on President Trump to rescind his terrible policy and ensure that parents and children are together as their immigration proceedings move forward.” 

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