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September 30, 2017

Statement on Trump's Saturday Morning Tweets Attacking Puerto Rico

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s abhorrent tweets attacking Puerto Rico:

"The President's tweets today attacking the Puerto Rican people and the Mayor of San Juan are abhorrent, baseless, and are beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency.  Although unsurprising and quite predictable, it is pathetic that the President has decided to attack – with the not so subtle veil of racism and sexism – those desperately begging for his help in their hour of need.  It is inexcusable that the President is in New Jersey, away from the White House, on the attack on twitter when he only has one hour on his schedule today for hurricane response.”

“Our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are in the midst of a worsening humanitarian crisis and they need our help now.  Lives are on the line and people are dying.  It is painfully clear that the federal response is woefully inadequate and Administration is not doing nearly enough.  This is not a PR campaign that the President and the Administration can spin their way out of.  We are a great nation and we spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on security and defense.  Surely we can – and must – do more to help our own citizens."

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