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November 02, 2011

Ten Months of Republican Rule – No Progress on Homeland Security

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released a fact sheet that documents the lack of legislative action by the Committee on Homeland Security so far in the 112th Congress. The fact sheet, produced by the Democratic staff of the Committee, illustrates how the Committee on Homeland Security lags behind most other authorizing committees in the U.S. House of Representatives – both in terms of the number of bills reported to the House and number of bills considered on the House floor. The fact sheet also compares the Committee's current record against what was achieved in the two previous Congresses, under Democratic control. Congressman Thompson released the following statement regarding the findings in the fact sheet:

Neither the House calendar nor the Speaker's failure to consolidate homeland security jurisdiction can explain the Committee's poor showing, as compared to other Congressional authorizing committees. We have an obligation, as a committee, to submit homeland security legislation to the House that reflects our oversight findings. Yet, with just 15 legislative days remaining in the first session of this Congress, I have trouble seeing how we escape the moniker of a 'do nothing Committee'. That said, I stand ready to work with the Chairman to ensure that we begin delivering legislation that helps provide the safety and security that the American people deserve.

Link to Fact Sheet

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