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September 05, 2019

Thompson & Rogers Joint Statement After 8chan Deposition

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Committee, released the below joint statement after the Committee deposed Jim Watkins, owner of the social media website 8chan.  The deposition was in response to the Committee’s subpoena of Watkins in August.

“We want to thank Mr. Watkins for his cooperation today. He provided vast and helpful information to the Committee about the structure, operation, and policies of 8Chan and his other companies. We look forward to his continued cooperation with the Committee as he indicated his desire to do so during today’s deposition.”

A staff deposition provides an opportunity for Congressional fact finding under oath. It is carried out by committee counsel and governed by House rules, which can be found here. 

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Press Contact

(Thompson) 202-226-2616

(Rogers) Nicole Hager at 202-226-8417