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May 31, 2013

Thompson Marks the Start of Hurricane Season

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement marking the completion of National Hurricane Preparedness Week and the start of the Hurricane Season. The annual Atlantic Hurricane Season begins tomorrow, June 1st.

Before the opening day of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, we must ensure that our families, neighbors, and communities are prepared for what some predict will be a more intense than normal hurricane season. As the 2013 National Preparedness Report reiterated yesterday, with the help of Homeland Security grant funds, the nation continues to make substantial progress in improving its preparedness capabilities – particularly with regards to coordination, planning, communications and information sharing. Despite this progress, we must redouble our efforts to improve infrastructure protection and private sector coordination so that our communities and our local economies are resilient in the wake of increasingly severe and frequent natural disasters.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Administration has put together a series of updated resources to help prepare for this season:

Hurricane Preparedness


FEMA's Pledge to Prepare

National Preparedness Report

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