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September 26, 2014

Thompson, Payne to Hold National Preparedness Month Tweetathon

(WASHINGTON) – On Tuesday, September 30th, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, and Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr. (D-NJ), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, will hold a National PrepareAthon! Day Tweetathon to celebrate and promote National Preparedness Month. Reps. Thompson and Payne are both serving as Congressional Co-Chairs of the 13th Annual National Preparedness Month. @HomelandDems and @RepDonaldPayne will host the Tweetathon between noon and 1pm ET on Tuesday, September 30 using the hashtag #NatlPrep

Congressman Thompson released the following statement on National Preparedness Month: National Preparedness Month is the ideal time to create or review your emergency plans, re-stock your emergency kits and spread awareness within your communities. I have witnessed first-hand the results of an unpredictable disaster and the resulting devastation when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast almost ten years ago. Now is the time to be vigilant, collaborate together as families and communities to make certain we are all prepared. Our National Preparedness Day tweetathon is the perfect chance to participate and learn more on how to stay safe and have peace of mind knowing we can stand strong in the event disaster strikes.

Congressman Payne Jr. added the following statement: The national preparedness tweetup is an interactive tool that will raise awareness around the importance of being prepared during National Preparedness Month. After Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene, the people in my district understand the importance of being prepared, storing food and water, and having an evacuation and relocation plan in place. However, I would like everyone in the country to be prepared for any and all emergencies, whether manmade or caused by nature. That's why I am pleased to participate in this tweetup with Ranking Member Thompson to encourage communities to establish, evaluate, and update emergency preparedness plans, especially for the most vulnerable among us.

More information on National Preparedness Month

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