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June 17, 2016

Thompson Remembers Charleston Shooting, Renews Call for Hearing on Domestic Terrorism

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement marking the anniversary of the terrorist attack and shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston South Carolina. Today, Ranking Member Thompson also sent a letter to Rep. Michael McCaul, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, requesting a hearing on the threat of domestic terrorism. Despite numerous requests and the clear need for a hearing, Chairman McCaul has not scheduled one.

“Today marks the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attack on Mother Emanuel in Charleston, South Carolina. That deadly attack, carried out in furtherance of a violent ideology, claimed the lives of nine people gathered in prayer and fellowship. It was carried out by a domestic terrorist who, like the perpetrators of attacks in San Bernardino and Orlando, was radicalized by Internet propaganda.”

“I hope that this anniversary will serve as more than an opportunity for us to honor the lives lost with moments of silence.  While we continue to grieve, we should let this day also serve as a reminder that domestic terrorism is a real and present threat and deserves our attention and priority.”

Link to Letter

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