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August 06, 2014

Thompson Statement on 3rd Annual National Preparedness Report

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security released the below statement on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's release of its third annual National Preparedness Report, which provides a nation-wide assessment of 31 core preparedness and response capabilities:

Although I am troubled that cybersecurity, infrastructure systems, and disaster housing remain areas for national improvement, I am pleased that operational communications and public health continue to rank as mature capabilities. I am also encouraged that the Report highlights the initiatives the Federal government has launched to bolster the capabilities identified in last year's report as needing improvement.

Most importantly, however, this Report underscores a point Democrats on this Committee have been stressing: Federal budgetary uncertainty undermines preparedness planning. State and local governments should be commended for their steady efforts to innovate to build and sustain preparedness and response capabilities in the face of budget uncertainty. For our part, Congress needs to do its part to help States develop and maintain core capabilities by providing funding for critical homeland security grant programs through regular order in the appropriations process.

Link to Report

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