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April 20, 2015

Thompson Statement on Airport Access Control Report

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) final report on airport access control released today:

Today, after a comprehensive review, the Aviation Security Advisory Committee released its 90-day report on the potential weaknesses for access control security issues for our nation's airports. The ASAC, which was codified last year by legislation I authored, is a group of industry stakeholders who work to analyze issues and provide recommendations to the Transportation Security Administration to ensure that changes to security policy are both practical and in the best interest of the traveling public. I look forward to reviewing the recommendations in the report, and continue to believe that the collaboration between the ASAC and the Transportation Security Administration is critical to aviation security.

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