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February 04, 2015

Thompson Statement on Anthem Breach

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement following news that Anthem, a major provider of health insurance, was hacked resulting in a data breach of personal information of its customers.

The Anthem insurance company breach is another in a long line of breaches that continue to have a deep and disheartening effect on consumer behavior and the smooth flow of commerce both here at home and worldwide. Of foremost concern is the impact on citizens' private information. Next, there is the more difficult task of identifying how the attack was carried out and by whom.

To fully understand the complexity of the cyber threat landscape we must take a broad perspective. It also takes robust information sharing at all levels and a willingness of companies to come forward and report breaches in a timely manner. It also takes a steady, forensics-oriented, and deeply-calculated approach and a commitment to sharing lessons learned. President Obama, with his recently-announced cybersecurity legislative proposals, has taken on the challenge of tackling this evolving and multi-faceted threat to our nation, economy and citizens. As we examine legislative proposals in the months ahead, it is important to not lose sight of a simple truth - to truly protect ourselves, it will take vigilance, collaboration, and a shared commitment to deal with this ever evolving threat.

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