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July 26, 2017

Thompson Statement on Border Wall Funding in So-Called ‘Security Minibus’

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the inclusion of funding for President Trump's border wall in H.R. 3219 – “Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018”:

“Including funding for the President’s wall makes it clear that this bill is not about making America secure.  It is absurd that that the Republican Majority is rushing to pass legislation to fund the President’s pet project before it considers funding the entire Department of Homeland Security and its 240,000 employees  that work around the clock alongside our first responders to keep the nation safe and secure.  We refuse to stand silent while the President breaks his promise to get Mexico to pay for the wall while he and House Republicans collude to stick taxpayers with the bill.  House Republicans gifting the President $1.6 billion to start his mindless and wasteful campaign promise may put them on better terms with the President, but it will not improve security and would not have prevented any of the terrorist attacks we have seen in this country.  I urge my colleagues to oppose this gimmick and get back to work advancing legislation that will actually make America secure.”

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