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April 24, 2014

Thompson Statement on Chemical Safety Board Preliminary Findings

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the Chemical Safety Board's Preliminary Findings from its investigation of the West Fertilizer explosion and fire in April 2013:

I commend the Chemical Safety Board for asking tough questions about the deadly West Fertilizer explosion in West Texas last year. Its Preliminary Findings report outlines that much more needs to be done to secure chemical facilities and protect populated areas from potentially explosive chemicals. The implications of the Board's determinations about the gaps in regulations have implications for communities big and small across the nation. If we are going to close these gaps and secure these facilities, DHS' Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program needs to be effective. With legislation authorizing the CFATS program expected to be considered in the next few weeks, we have an opportunity to put it on the path to becoming an effective program. Additionally, forthcoming task force recommendations from the President's working group on chemical safety and security have the potential of advancing efforts at closing these dangerous gaps.

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