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December 08, 2011

Thompson Statement on CVE Strategy Implementation Plan

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement regarding the White House release of the Strategic Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States:

The United States faces threats from a range of violent extremists, including those inspired by Al Qaeda, its affiliates and unaffiliated adherents. The newly-released implementation plan of the White House strategy on countering violent extremism (CVE) will empower local communities by providing them with accurate information about the threat.

As this strategy is implemented, the Department of Homeland Security must ensure its effectiveness by overseeing the types of training state and local law enforcement agencies acquire. Federal funds should not be used to pay for inaccurate or biased information from self-proclaimed experts. When local and state law enforcement authorities receive poor training and misinformation, they can neither be effective partners in our shared goal of combating terrorism nor succeed in their local community policing objectives.

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