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October 17, 2013

Thompson Statement on DHS Secretary Nomination

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on news that the President intends to nominate Mr. Jeh Johnson as Secretary of Homeland Security:

I would like to congratulate Mr. Jeh Johnson on his nomination by the President to be the fourth Secretary of Homeland Security. His experience in counterterrorism and cybersecurity will be an asset to the nation. Having served in the Department of Defense, Mr. Johnson is well-acquainted with the needs of a large and diverse department. I look forward to working with him to improve the effectiveness of DHS's programs and operations as well as employee morale. The Department of Homeland Security has been without a permanent leader for far too long. In light of these circumstances and Mr. Johnson's qualifications, I urge the Senate to take swift action to confirm him.

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