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February 03, 2022

Thompson Statement on Biden Administration’s New Cyber Safety Review Board

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the Biden Administration’s launch of the new Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB), a Board comprised of representatives from the Federal government (including DOD, DOJ, CISA, NSA, FBI), security firms, software suppliers, and other private sector organizations, to investigate “significant cyber incidents”:

“We are pleased to see the Biden Administration taking this proactive step to investigate, understand, and learn from significant cyber incidents, and log4j vulnerabilities specifically.  

“The Cyber Safety Review Board is an innovative, public-private approach to tackling one of our nation’s most pressing cyber challenges: the Federal government lacks the visibility it needs in order to understand the causes and consequences of cyber incidents and make meaningful recommendations to help network defenders prevent future attacks. The latter part is key – the CSRB needs to yield value for the Federal government, as well as the private sector, by working collaboratively and transparently with security researchers and private sector partners to improve security across the board.

“We look forward to working with the Board, and with CISA, to learn how the CSRB will operate and make sure they have the authorities necessary to carry out this important work transparently and effectively.”

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