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June 24, 2019

Thompson Statement on Border Detention Conditions and Transfer of Migrant Children

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on the numerous news reports detailing squalid migrant detention conditions and the subsequent transfer of hundreds of migrant children from a Border Patrol station:

“The conditions described by lawyers, advocates, journalists, and inspectors in which migrant families are being held – including young, vulnerable children – should shock the conscience of the nation. The United States is fully capable of handling an influx of migrants in a humane and compassionate way, but it’s become clear that the Administration has no interest in doing so. The abhorrent conditions in these facilities are a direct result of this Administration’s misguided and failed immigration policies.

“While I welcome the news today that hundreds of children from one of these facilities have been transferred, no child should have been forced to live in unsanitary and dangerous conditions from the beginning.  We are still left with more questions than answers. Why are the children only being moved after media reports of their horrific detention conditions? When will these children be reunited with their families?

“The Administration will have to answer for the atrocities happening at the border.  This is happening under the President’s watch. Until then, House Democrats stand ready as always to assist officials on the ground in providing humanitarian assistance.  The emergency funding bill House Democrats have put forward specifically increases funding for medical care and facility inspections. I urge my Republican colleagues to put politics aside and join us tomorrow in providing legal assistance, food, water, and medical supplies to those that need it.”

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Media contact: Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978