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January 13, 2020

Thompson Statement on Election Security Implications of Russia Hacking Burisma

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news reports that the Russian government hacked Burisma in Ukraine, possibly for political purposes:

“News reports that Russian hackers sought to breach Burisma late last year - seemingly to find dirt on the Bidens - are disturbing.  If accurate, the reporting shows the lengths the Russian government will go to help the President win re-election and undermine our democracy.  For over three years, Democrats in Congress have urged the Administration to take a firm stand against election meddling.  But the Russians are emboldened because the President refuses to stand up to Putin. It is time for Congressional Republicans to stop their complacency and help us hold the President accountable for failing to defend the integrity of our elections.  Russia showed us their playbook in 2016, and intelligence officials across the government have warned that Russian meddling will only get worse this year. The President owes it to all Americans to condemn all forms of election interference and demand Putin put a stop to it.”

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