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September 03, 2019

Thompson Statement on Trump Taking Billions from Military to Pay for Wall

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news the Trump Administration is siphoning billions from military construction projects to pay for his wasteful wall:

“On a day that military assets are positioning to protect this country against a national disaster, President Trump continues to show disregard for the American people and the rule of law. President Trump will go to any length to get what he wants, no matter the harm to the country. To be clear, diverting these funds for more unnecessary miles of border wall will have serious consequences for the people who live and work in our military facilities. Denied funding from Congress for years, President Trump is taking billions from our national security and defense to pay for his continued obsession so he can get a win leading up to an election year. Military bases around the country – and the world – will now have their funding cut short and projects canceled. This is unacceptable and Democrats will work to stop him.”

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Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978