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February 06, 2020

Thompson Statement on Trump’s DHS Blocking New Yorkers from Global Entry

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news the Department of Homeland Security has suspended enrollment for New Yorkers in Global Entry and other Trusted Traveler programs.  According to Administration officials, more states may be next. 

“The Trump Administration’s ban on all New Yorkers applying for Global Entry and other Trusted Traveler programs is a purely punitive move that has nothing to do with security.  It is clearly a blatant attempt by the White House to score political points and perpetuate a partisan fight with New York elected officials.  The fact that it was announced on Fox News primetime – before other government agencies and stakeholders were told — is telling.  

“To be clear, applicants already submit their passport, proof of residence, and fingerprints – and submit to a background check and interview. A driver’s license is not even required to apply.  Trusted Traveler programs exist to improve security and travel efficiency, and barring access for millions of Americans will only undermine those goals.  Congress needs to respond to this abuse of power – we will not stand by while this Administration repeatedly plays politics with our homeland security.”

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