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December 06, 2015

Thompson Statement on the President's Address to the Nation

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement following the President's Sunday night address to the nation on keeping the American people safe:

“As the President outlined tonight, the threat posed by ISIL and those that may be radicalized by the terrorist organization's extremist ideology is real. The President's strategy is a continuation and strengthening of the hard work we have done to fight radicalization and terrorism both at home and across the globe. One way to do this is to strengthen the Visa Waiver Program - and I am hopeful that the House will pass bipartisan legislation that does so this week. While we move forward with our efforts, we must also ensure that we preserve the values that our country was founded on and not vilify any particular religion or ethnicity.”

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