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December 02, 2014

Thompson Statement on Right Wing Plans for Homeland Security Funding

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on a proposal to possibly consider Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding under a continuing resolution. Last month, after years of Congressional inaction, the President announced a series of actions that the Administration will take to begin to fix our broken immigration system. In response, a faction of the House Majority is trying to penalize DHS by refusing to advance full year funding for FY 2015, even as dedicated funding for every other Federal Department and Agency is considered.

I urge my colleagues to reject cynical efforts to keep the DHS budget in limbo while conservatives figure out ways to try to stop immigration reform. Singling out DHS, by funding it through a continuing resolution, undermines its ability to carry out its critical homeland security mission such as protecting our air, land and sea borders and cyberspace. It also unfairly punishes State and local governments and first responders who rely on Federal grants for emergency management and terrorism prevention activities. I urge the House Leadership to take the responsible course and provide DHS with a full year of funding.

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