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March 04, 2018

Thompson Statement on State Department Inaction to Counter Russian Election Meddling

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on news that the State Department has not spent money allocated to counter Russian interference in our elections:

“It is appalling that yet another government agency - now the State Department - seems to be asleep at the wheel in the face of Russia meddling in our elections. Although money was allocated by the Obama Administration for the exact purpose of countering Russia interference, President Trump's State Department dillydallied for months.  Now some of the much needed funding is gone and no progress has been made. The next Federal elections are just months away.”

“The failure of President Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson to take meaningful action to counter Russian election meddling is staggering.  If they continue to do nothing to stop Russia from attacking our democracy, they are inviting Putin to do the same, year after year. It's time for the Trump Administration - and its Republican friends in Congress - to wake up."

Congressman Thompson is also Co-Chair of the Congressional Task Force on Election Security, which released its final report last month with recommendations on what the federal government and states can and should be doing to secure our nation’s elections. He is also the sponsor of H.R. 5011, the Election Security Act, which will provide assistance to states to help secure their elections systems and protect our democratic institutions from Russian efforts to undermine them.

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