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February 12, 2018

Thompson Statement on Trump’s Homeland Security Budget Request

(WASHINGTON) - Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s FY 2019 budget request: 

"The President’s budget request for the Department of Homeland Security prioritizes politics over national security.  Instead of focusing on the critical needs of first responders – the boots on the ground that keep our communities safe – the budget would waste $1.6 billion on President Trump’s dream of a southwest border wall. Further, it obliterates the Department’s research and development arm to pay for a deportation force at ICE and 52,000 detention beds, a historic number of detention beds."

"Remarkably, the budget largely ignores evidence that the threats to transportation have diversified and intensified over the past year, as it would eliminate VIPR Teams and reduce support for local law enforcement at airports.  Additionally, the budget’s misguided plans to upend the Federal civil service system and freeze pay will, no doubt, exacerbate the historically low morale and retention rates that have plagued the Department, most notably within key components of the Department’s security apparatus, including Customs and Border Protection, the Secret Service, and the Transportation Security Administration."

"This cynical budget is more about providing red meat to President Trump’s base than meeting today’s homeland security challenges."

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