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February 27, 2015

Twelve Hours Left: Thompson Calls on House GOP to End the Games & Pass a Clean Bill

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on news that the House Republican majority is putting forth a three-week Continuing Resolution to fund the Department of Homeland Security, while the Senate just passed a clean, full-year bill. Funding for DHS ends at midnight tonight – twelve hours:

With twelve hours until the Department of Homeland Security shuts down, it's sad that the Republican majority wants to string out this manufactured crisis for another three weeks. We can end this drama and fund our homeland security operations today, but Speaker Boehner is continuing his games.

In the current environment, there is nothing that can be accomplished in the next three weeks that can satisfy the angry right. Instead of leading and doing what the American people put us here to do, it seems Speaker Boehner is more concerned with saving face with the extreme faction of his party.

It is time to build on the progress just made by the Senate and approve the full-year homeland security bill that was negotiated months ago between Democrats and Republicans. Having a short-term continuing resolution to fund DHS will just inflict more doubt and pain on DHS and its workforce, just as we are asking this agency to do more to address heightened terrorist threats.

We must pass a clean bill now.

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