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July 29, 2011

Deepwater Program Still Problematic

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in response to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on continuing problems with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Deepwater program, entitled "Coast Guard: Action Needed As Approved Deepwater Program Remains Unachievable" (GAO-11-743):

"As delays continue and problems mount, we still do not know the true cost of the Deepwater program. I urge the Coast Guard and Secretary Napolitano to follow GAO's recommendations. The escalating costs of Deepwater must be contained."

GAO found that the true cost and schedule of the Deepwater Program remains unknown because the Coast Guard has not revised baselines for some assets, including the Offshore Patrol Cutter (the largest cost driver in the Deepwater Program). It also found the quarterly Deepwater Program acquisition reports to Congress are not consistent in reporting cost, schedule, and technical risks. Additionally, the Coast Guard has failed to submit reports to Congress in a timely manner.

GAO recommends that Secretary Napolitano develop a working group that includes participation from DHS and the Coast Guard. Capabilities, resources, and acquisitions must be reviewed to determine necessary cost, capability, and quantity trade-offs. GAO also recommended that the findings of the working group be provided to Congress prior to FY 2013 budget submission.


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