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March 24, 2015

Thompson Statement on DHS Inspector General's Report

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement in response to a Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG) report on their investigation of employee complaints regarding management of USCIS' EB-5 Program:

"In this report, the Inspector General provided no definitive determination of wrongdoing and instead found that Deputy Secretary Mayorkas' hands-on and reform-minded leadership style may have been misinterpreted by some at USCIS. Though the EB-5 immigrant investor visa program represents a very small fraction of USCIS operations, its potential as a job-creator and visibility to leaders from across the political spectrum is undeniable. It seems apparent that Deputy Secretary Mayorkas gave the program attention and put reforms into place. This window into his leadership style is informative and revealing – it paints a picture of an advocate and manager who demanded reform and responsiveness from his agency. I look forward to hearing from the DHS Inspector General and the USCIS Ombudsman at our hearing on this matter on Thursday."

Link to Report

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