Markup of 20 Homeland Security Measures
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: 310 Cannon House Office Building
- H.R. 3169, the “Port Crane Security and Inspection Act of 2023”
- H.R. 3386, the “Bottles and Breastfeeding Equipment Screening Enhancement Act”
- H.R. 4406, the “DHS Basic Training Accreditation Improvement Act of 2023”
- H.R. 5729, a bill to prohibit the use of Federal funds to establish a Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, and for other purposes
- H.R. 5840, the “Transportation Security Screening Modernization Act”
- H.R. 7311, the “Combatting International Drug Trafficking and Human Smuggling Partnership Act of 2024”
- H.R. 7365, the “VETS Safe Travel Act”
- H.R. 8119, the “PEARL Act”
- H.R. 9469, the “Pipeline Security Act”
- H.R. 9668, the “SHIELD Against CCP Act”
- H.R. 9689, the “DHS Cybersecurity Internship Program Act”
- H.R. 9722, the “CATCH Fentanyl Act”
- H.R. 9752, the “Tren de Aragua Southwest Border Security Threat Assessment Act”
- H.R. 9731, the “Special Interest Alien Reporting Act of 2024”
- H.R. 9749, a bill to amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to abolish the reorganization authority of the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes
- H.R. 9770, the “Cyber PIVOTT Act”
- H.R. 9769, the “Strengthening Cyber Resilience Against State-Sponsored Threats Act”
- H.R. 9768, the “Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative Act”
- H.R. 9762, the “DHS International Cyber Partner Act of 2024”
- H.R. 9748, the “Research Security and Accountability in DHS Act”