Markup of H.R. 1833, 1850, 1870, 1871, 1877,1893 and 1895
- H.R. 1833, the “DHS Industrial Control Systems Capabilities Enhancement Act of 2021”
- H.R. 1850, the “Supporting Research and Development for First Responders Act”
- H.R. 1870, the “Strengthening Local Transportation Security Capabilities Act of 2021”
- H.R. 1871, the “Transportation Security Transparency Improvement Act”
- H.R. 1877, the “Security Screening During COVID-19 Act”
- H.R. 1893, the “Transportation Security Preparedness Act of 2021”
- H.R. 1895, the “Transportation Security Public Health Threat Preparedness Act of 2021”