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April 04, 2017

Markup Tomorrow: Russia Resolution of Inquiry

(WASHINGTON) – Tomorrow, the House Committee on Homeland Security will markup H.Res. 235 – a Resolution of Inquiry sponsored by Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) and cosponsored by all Committee Democrats that directs the Department of Homeland Security to provide the Committee with all information it possesses pertaining to Russia interfering with the 2016 Presidential election – including all information pertaining to Russia hacking of U.S. citizens and institutions last year.  This information is necessary for the Committee to commence an investigation into this matter. 

Wednesday, April 4 at 11am

Capitol Visitor Center – HVC-210
Washington, DC

Ranking Member Thompson Opening Markup Statement

More markup info

Resolution text


“The Russian campaign to hack our political institutions and interfere with the 2016 Presidential election was a fundamental attack on our democracy,” said Congressman Thompson.  “For the sake of the integrity of our democracy, the Committee on Homeland Security must investigate what our government knew about Russia’s hacking and election meddling and what actions were taken to mitigate any harm.  I urge my colleagues to recognize the need – as a majority of Americans have – to investigate the Kremlin’s nefarious activities.  Our Committee has a longstanding and unique history of bipartisan cooperation on national security matters and I believe we can put politics aside for the good of the country.  Approving this resolution would be the first step towards providing answers to the American people and preventing future damage to our democracy.”

BACKGROUND: A Resolution of Inquiry is a legislative tool that has privileged parliamentary status, meaning it can be brought to the floor if the relevant Committee has not reported it within 14 legislative days, even if the House Majority has not scheduled it for a vote.  Once introduced, the Committee must schedule a markup to consider and debate the measure and vote on whether to report it to the house favorably or unfavorably.  If the Committee does not act, it can be called up on the House floor and voted upon by the full House of Representatives.

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